Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Celebrating 45 Years of Marriage

Linda Cuts the Cake
After eating great Thai food, we worshiped God in the Thai language this past Sunday evening at the Thai Fellowship Church.  A missionary from Germany was the speaker for the evening. He had served in Thailand for 18 years and now he works in Taiwan with Thai people. He told the stories of 3 of the Old Testament judges.  Then we sang some great Christian songs written from a Thai perspective and listened to a sermon on how studying the Word of God helps you know the truth.  Later the church family surprised us by preparing a chocolate cherry cake in honor of our 45th wedding anniversary. We were called to the front of the church and asked to impart some wisdom on how to have an enduring marriage. We had to think quick because neither of us was prepared to speak.  Thus, we told them practicing forgiveness often was very important. In marriage decision are made together, since the couple have become one. And most of all, make God number one in your life seeking to please Him by staying married.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! What's a blessed testimony for us all. Dr. Yai.