Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Linda prays with Lee

We went to see Lee this past week. Lee is a 35 year old Christian from Thailand.  She is married to a Taiwanese and runs a little convenience store catering to factory workers from Thailand, Indonesia, Viet Nam and the Philippines. Lee has a lot of desires in her heart.  Since she runs the store, she isn’t able to go to church very often.  Lee works 7 days a week. She would like her husband and his mother to become Christians.  She wants to shut down the store and get another job where she can rest more.  She has been married for 10 years and wants to have a child.   The list goes on.  She prays every night, but our heart aches for her because we know that she a needs fuller relationship with God and the fellowship of a good church family.
The truth is that we see people like Lee frequently.  Some are Christian and others are not.  They have a great many desires, but don’t know God clearly enough to allow Him to help them.

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