Thursday, August 22, 2013

Spirits Discussed in Sansua Immigration Prison

The Bible lesson was on angels and spirits and where they come from.  We began by letting the Thai prisoners tell stories about their personal experiences with ghosts. Then Linda taught the lesson telling the biblical perspective of spirits as fallen angels. Most Thai’s are scared of spirits and do many things to appease them. The conclusion to the study was that God has power over evil spirits and believers need not fear.

Linda and Dar-ru-nee Pray with Inmates.
Even in jail,  men can show generosity.   One man had over 50,000 Taiwanese Dollars ($1,600 US) from his last employment.  He gave 20,000 of it to one of the men from last week, who had acted inappropriately, so he could fly back to Thailand.  His reasoning was that this man would have been even crazier waiting in the jail with nothing to do. 

The prisoners talked of their desire to go home and their struggles with whether to be a Christian or not.  This struggle weighs heavy on their minds as they consider what being a Christian in a Buddhist society would mean for them on their return to Thailand.

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