Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sacrifice to Spirits

The Saturday Thai Bible study at Bali was a sad one.    One Thai man in the group was going on a boat to Japan to work for 2-3 weeks.  He was a little excited, but mostly scared of going to another country whose language he did not speak. That was one of many the difficulties he thought he would have to overcome.  The other man was considering returning home to Thailand because of some unfair treatment at work.  He was going to talk to the owner of his factory on Monday before any decision was definitely made.  Both of these men had become Christians since coming to Taiwan and this tempered their decision making.  Before, both men would have gotten mad and said some things that would have made the situation worse. But now they sought God's wisdom to help discern their future.

Pig sacrificed to displaced spirts
Another Thai man in the group asked a question about why God forbade the Israelites from eating pork.  The man confessed that really, really  enjoyed eating pork.  We told him that pigs were one animal that the people of that time sacrificed to gods and evil spirits.  This answer seemed to satisfy him as he thought about Chinese people sacrificing pig to their gods. Some also offer pork to the spirits that they believe roam the atmosphere with no one to care for them.

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