Sunday, July 17, 2016

Beginning Our trip In Thailand

Thursday, while driving to get the plane in Houston, Steve got stopped by a constable for "tailgating". It was a strange situation, almost like a setup! Ask him about this experience when he returns to America (Fortunately, he didn't get a ticket).

We got to the airport and boarded the plane about 5:00PM.  Twenty eight hours later we arrived in Bangkok, Thailand on Saturday morning.  Upon rounding up our luggage on the turnstile, we found out that Katie's checked bag decided to lay over in Houston!

We were met at the airport in Bangkok by 2 IMB missionaries and a Thai friend. We went to Eric Mullis' house to have a brief orientation. Then we went out to eat Thai food for lunch at a roadside restaurant. Our teammates were excited to taste new Thai dishes! Later, Linda took everyone on a tour of the nearby fresh food market. Then we retuned to the Mullis home for more orientation. Later in the day, we broke into 2 groups and took taxis to a food court in downtown Bangkok.  In one of the taxis, Richard had the opportunity to witnessed to the cab driver about finding eternal life with Jesus.

Sunday, we attended Antioch Baptist Church where 2 of our teammates, Steve and Katie gave their testimonies to the congregation. Linda translated their stories into Thai.  After the church service, we had the pleasure of eating a Chinese soup with rice noodles, fish and pork. We left church and returned to the Mullis' home to review the English curriculum we will teach beginning Monday morning. When the meeting was over, we walked to the subway, got aboard a train and returned to the heart of the city to eat at a food court.  Then we walked about a 1/4 mile back to the quest house.

Once back at the guesthouse, it was a joy to find Katie's suitcase waiting on her! She was so happy not to have to wear the same clothes to teach in on Monday that she began the trip with on Thursday. So far, our adventure has seen Richard and Linda practice the Thai language (often struggling trying to remember lots of forgotten words from 4 years of retirement). Our teammates have learned lessons in Thai culture and discovered new Thai foods. But most importantly, we all realize just how important our job will be this coming week in introducing lost souls to Jesus.

Please pray for each of us to be led by God's spirit as we begin teaching early Monday morning. We leave the Guest house at 6AM to teach employees at a Thai tile business.


Gmommy said...

Richard and Linda - we are praying for your team. We know God will use you all in a great way. Our love to you.

Kathleen and Steve Cochran

Anonymous said...

Mr. & Mrs. Blount,
We pray that the Lord would bless, protect, and guide you and your team. We also pray that the Gospel will be effectively shared and it would be well understood and received.
In Him,
Dr. Yai and family.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Linda and Richard!
Sherrie & Mike