Saturday, July 23, 2016

Is a Little White Lie OK?

The volunteer team has been teaching English and the Christian World View at a tile factory on the outskirts of Bangkok. The factory is owned by a Christian who is concerned that his Thai employees hear the gospel. Most of his Thai workers are not Christian and have very little knowledge of what Christians believe.The majority of our classes are made up of sales people working on the display floor at the tile company.

Each day there is a 30 minute presentation of the gospel included at the end of the English lesson. On one particular day, the lesson was about sin entering the world and how it affected man's relationship with God. At the conclusion of class, some employees stayed late and poised a very practical question to our teachers. The question: "Is it OK to tell a little white lie?". They are under pressure to meet sales quotas every month. Thus, to keep their customers happy, they often told "a little white lie" about delivery dates if the material ordered would arrive late. They rationalize that telling the truth would only make the customers mad. But if they told a little lie, then the customer would stay happy and they could keep the sale.  But in reality, they were feeling guilty about lying especially after studying the lesson on sin. The teachers and a missionary tried to explain that lying is a sin that displeases God. No matter what the circumstance, telling the truth resulted in a better outcome, and in the end, the customer would appreciate their honesty. Pray for God's spirit to fill their inner need for peace and to give them the courage to be honest with their customers.

1 comment:

Linda Martin Bradley said...

Thinking of you today and praying that God will open doors for you and your team....all the while experiencing safety in your travels. We miss you and will want to hear all about your long trip upon your return!

Love, Linda & Jerry Bradley