Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prayer and Praise

1. Praise God that A. Nantana’s baby boy arrived safe and healthy on December 30th. We are now without a Thai co-worker. Pray for God to prepare the right person to work with us.
2. Children’s Day is January 9th. We will be tying balloon animals & giving our Christian tracts in Khao Phanom city. Pray that these activities touch the lives of Thai adults and children that attend the Children’s Day Program.
3. Pray for Ran, a father in a family at Tung Pru, to be completely healed so that he can work again and support his family.
4. Pray for Linda to be completely cured of related effects of chikungunya disease.
5. Pray for the husband, Vern, of a recently deceased Krabi Baptist church member to come to know God as Savior.
6. Pray for the quick and complete healing of Montri, a member of our BlayPraYa seeker group. (He was hit by a motorcycle as he was walking home.)
7. Pray for Kingsley (a Christian from Cameroon) as he teaches and witnesses at Blai PraYa High School, a school of 2,000 students.

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