Saturday, January 2, 2010

Krabi Baptist Christmas Celebrations

In Thailand, many think that Christmas is the westerner’s celebration of the New Year. They don’t know that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas is truly a special time of year in Thailand. It is the best time of year for Christians in Thailand to explain the meaning of Christmas.
Church Christmas Caroling took place Christmas night by going to homes & businesses of church members. We started at the pastor’s house and proceeded around the province until 3 AM. All were tired and needed lots of sleep, but all had a joyous time singing and praying for of the families of each home where we caroled.
Lotus (the local Walmart type store) allowed us to do a Christmas program in their mall. This included children dancing, Christmas songs, and the pastor telling the meaning of Christmas. While the program was taking place, other members of Krabi Baptist went passing out special Christmas tracts to shoppers.
Krabi Baptist Church invited many Thais to a special community Christmas program on December 27th. The program this year had over 500 people attending. The program was held outside in the field beside the church. Children did traditional Thai dancing, the pastor preached for 15 minutes about Jesus' birth and the worlds desperate need for a Saviour, several plays were performed, lots of games took place and food was eaten at the end of the event. It is our prayer that God works in the lives of the Thais who came to the Christmas program so that they will make Jesus Lord of their lives.

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