Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Prayer and Praise

  1. Praise God for the Thai Christians from Krabi Baptist, who sacrificially give their time to help us pass out tracts and witness.
  2. Pray for our protection from dogs and snakes as we pass out tracts in the countryside. Sometimes we don't see the dogs until we're too close and it can get scary.
  3. Pray for the Thais in Khao Phanom to understand the Gospel and want to learn more about God, who loves them.
  4. Pray for Richard & I to be bold and faithful in proclaiming the Gospel. Many days we get discouraged because we go out, present the Gospel and no one responds.
  5. Pray for Jiap that she continue to grow in her faith and boldness in her witness.
  6. Pray for boldness as we present the Christ of Christmas to the Thais of Krabi through caroling in a mall and members homes, tract passing, visiting the Governor of Krabi Province, the mayor of Krabi town, and the Christmas programs in Krabi town and in Khao Phanom district.
  7. Pray for the preparation, boldness and impact of the OBU students, who are coming the beginning of January, for the Kingdom of God.

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