Friday, November 9, 2007

Vegetarian Festival

For 9 noisy days in October, many people dressed in white and ate only vegetables. The 9 Chinese Emperor gods were called to earth to protect, give prosperity and chase demons away. Streets were blocked as parades were held in different venues. The air was filled with the sound, smoke and smell of firecrackers. Devotees became mediums for the gods, wearing appropriate dress befitting gods, walking over burning coals, walking up dagger ladders, giving blessings, and piercing different parts of their bodies to show the might of their gods. The ceramic gods from the Chinese temples were also taken for a ride in palanquins. On the night of the ninth day the gods were sent back to heaven with resounding drums and gongs. During one parade event in Krabi city, as part of a group from Krabi Baptist Church, we passed out Christian tracts to bystanders.

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