Monday, August 8, 2016

Somo Shows Interest in Knowing Jesus

Somo (left) with Linda and Shirley
Last week, we went to visit some people who had shown interest in the gospel.  They lived in a community near the town of Panot Nikom, which is about 40 minutes from the town of Bangkla.  The lady we went to see had gone to the doctor in Bangkok.  She had been sick for some time. She tried to improve her health by making merit, basically doing good deeds in hopes of being cured.  Even thought she was not home, her 20-year-old daughter, Somo was there.  The daughter had heard briefly about Jesus from her mother. She wanted to know more.  She said that she had thought about changing religions. Somo had even been searching the Internet for testimonies from Christians.  Missionary Shirley Mackin and Linda taught her a lesson on the birth of Jesus.  She asked some questions about why Jesus had to come. They answered her questions.  Since she was going to drop out of college in order to help her sick mother, Shirley and Ross Mackin said they would be back in a week to teach her again.  Praise God for this young Thai adult who is interested in knowing more about God.  Pray that Somo and her mother will come to know Christ as their savior.

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