Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Visit with a Friend

We visited some Thais we had known through the years in south Thailand. One of those was a girl named Dang (not her real name). She was a m*slim, who came to have a relationship with Jesus Christ about 10 years ago through the witness of 2 journeymen. However, over a year ago, her family put pressure on Dang to marry a m*slim man. This was an arranged marriage. She now has a small child and goes to a church in another town when her husband is away. She wanted Richard to do a private ceremony dedicating her baby to God. Once we were alone, Richard did the ceremony. We gave Dang a letter explaining the meaning of the baby dedication. She is to present the letter when her child reaches adulthood. Dang clearly made a wrong choice in getting married to please her family. However, please pray for her to be able to withstand the pressures of family and maintain her faith in Jesus. Pray that she may be able to share her faith with other m*slim women without endangering her life. Pray also for her husband who is a strict m*slim to have miraculous Damascus road experience and become a strong believer.

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