Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prayer & Praise

1. Praise God for the opportunity to participate in flood relief for those who had lost so much in the southern flood/mudslides in Krabi.
2. Praise God for the help of Krabi Baptist members in buying & bagging up the food to be given away in the disaster relief .
3. Pray that Thais in Khao Phanom will come to belief in Jesus Christ’s salvation.
4. Continue praying for Tik, & Duang-jai (whose husbands are Christian) to come to know Jesus as Savior.
5. Pray for us to sell possessions that we don’t need before September and our return to the U.S.
6. Pray for a pastor/leader to be found to take over the work in Khao Phanom with the church there.

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