Monday, January 31, 2011

Going to the Prison

On the Wednesday after Christmas, we went with a group from Krabi Baptist into the local prison. Our group went to the women’s section of the prison. In an area (pictured here) built for 50-60 women, 104 women stay (eat & sleep). The women were attentive as we talked, acted out a mime, our pastor gave a 10 minute sermon and distributed small gift packets with things for everyday use to them. During the sermon, some of the ladies were teary-eyed. Guess it’s easy to admit you’re a sinner when you’re in prison. Pray that some of these will accept Jesus as Savior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While applauding your good intentions, I am quite taken aback by the lack of forethought in posting an image on the internet of people who are in prison, however rightly or wrongly. I happen to recognise one of these women and I can say for certain that she and her family would be very distressed to know that this photograph was in the public domain. I understand that your mission to the prison was one of Christian charity. However I am sure that your act would not intend to increase the burden of suffering of these unfortunate people, or to compromise their dignity and their right to privacy.