Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Encounter With A Spirit

A young couple drove 4 hours into Ranong Province with us to visit a Thai pastor friend and the church of 50-60 persons which meets in his side yard. The church has ½ Thai and ½ Burmese people. During the service, Richard preached with a Burmese man translating from Thai into Burmese. His message was on the importance of prayer.

At the end of the service, our friend, the pastor asked those who were sick or experiencing personal problems to come forward for special prayer. Several walked to the front including a lady who was having headaches and complained that she was dizzy. She looked rather distant as well. As the pastor spoke the name of Jesus, the lady being prayed for started to sway like she was going to faint. Richard immediately grabbed her arm to keep her from falling. However, she jerked away like a halfback breaking free from a tackle. Linda saw the lady stumbling. Thinking she was about to collapse, Linda reached for her arm but the lady spun away like a top out of control. We were both shocked by the bizarre behavior.

On the way home, the wife of the young couple that rode up to Ranong Province with us asked about the lady that was prayed for. She thought the lady had a spirit inside her. She explained that her grandmother is a spirit medium. When her grandmother invites a spirit to enter the body, her actions are very similar to the woman who was prayed for on Sunday. We both came to the same conclusion because the Bible clearly shows that evil spirits both resist and fear the name of Jesus.

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