Thursday, July 2, 2009


The week following the mobile clinic, while we were teaching our weekly cell group in Tung Bru village, the father of the family came in drunk. He began telling us about a confrontation he had with the village headman. The father, Khun Ran, said that the headman told him “to drive the missionaries from his house!” The father refused. Then the headman said he would come personally and force the missionaries out. The father said “No, you won’t!” As the father was telling this story to us, he said: “You have shown concern and helped our family. We are indebted to you.”

This brave stand by the father will affect his relationship with neighbors. The headman could also cut this family off from aid that may be given by the government in the future. Pray that this family will understand the Gospel message and become firm, stable believers in Jesus Christ. Pray for this village to be a stronghold for God.

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