Monday, May 4, 2009

San - Returned Mail

A response card arrived in our mailbox in early February asking for literature and stating that a 14 years old boy wanted to become a Christian! We were excited & promptly sent the literature & a VCD that he requested by mail. Later we received another response card from him asking for the same literature! This was puzzling since we assumed he'd already received it by mail. But we sent him the literature again. Two weeks later it was returned to us. In following up, A. Nantana called the boy to see if the address was correct. He said that the address was correct. We again sent out the material. It was once more returned to us!!! We were frustrated and called again asking if we could come visit & bring the literature. The boy asked us to come to his "school" in May when school opened again. However, on April 21st, San called us and asked where his literature was! We explained what had happened. This time he asked us to come to his HOME. We did! We gave him the LONG AWAITED material and talked to him, his sister, and father about God. The fact that San asked us to visit in his home was a brave step to take for a teenager. By allowing us to visit he was publicly saying to his Buddhist family that he wanted to know more about God. Pray that San will study the Bible, understand the Gospel, and believe in what Jesus did for him.(NOW the rest of the story: Trying to find a woman in January, we visited Dead Elephant School in Khao Phanom. In the process, we passed out tracts and booklets to the teachers and children there. San's younger sister received one of the Christian booklets at the school. She shared it with her brother, San.)

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